Auckland Reactor closed favourite at $3.50 in futures betting on the New Zealand TAB.
He is a $6 third favourite behind Smoken Up ($2.60) and Terror To Love ($5.50) in final field betting.
Smoken Up is not among the acceptors for The Legends at Melton tomorrow night. He is due to arrive in Christchurch on Sunday.
Smiling Shard, another Cup acceptor, was sore in his left foreleg after winning the Kaikoura Cup on Monday.
He had been examined by a veterinarian on behalf of the Racing Integrity Unit. He was stood down, pending a clearance.
His trainer, Cran Dalgety, said it was just a recurrence of a muscular problem.
Smiling Shard will work on Sunday in the presence of an RIU-appointed veterinarian and a stipendiary steward.
Auckland Reactor worked yesterday morning before RIU-appointed veterinarian Corin Muriftt and Bill Bishop, veterinarian for the Purdon-Grant Payne stable.
A release from the RIU said Auckland Reactor had his front right foot strapped and he was stepping short when taken out to work. He was worked four times over a straight kilometre with a galloping pacemaker and his lameness improved each time.
He walked back to the stable without lameness.
His condition, sustained in the Ashburton Flying Stakes, is described as similar to a quarter crack but not as deep and horizontal, rather than vertical.
The RIU plans another examination of Auckland Reactor on Monday.
New Zealand Cup market.- $2.60 Smoken Up, $5.50 Terror To Love, $6 Auckland Reactor, $7 Gomeo Romeo, $9 Smiling Shard, $12 Monkey King, $21 Pembrook Benny, $26 Power Of Tara, $31 Devil Dodger, $41 Vi Et Animo, $51 Choise Achiever, $61 Highview Tommy, Mach Banner, Bettor's Strike, $101 Rangataua Ray, Pure Power, Second Wind, Mr Chrome.
Dean McKenzie has been appointed chief executive officer of Addington Raceway Ltd, including the New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club. He succeeds Shane Gloury who returns to Australia after the NZ Cup meeting.
McKenzie (44) is a Christchurch chartered accountant who has a masters degree in sports administration and facility management from Ohio University.
He was previously chief executive of Jade Stadium and chief executive of the Wellington Racing Club for four years. He was also on the administrative staff of the Avondale Jockey Club.
McKenzie has raced several horses including Go Thenaki, winner of the 2004 Winter Cup at Riccarton
Results of trials yesterday.-
Qualifying test, pacers, 2000m: Stormy Tara W Higgs 1; The Fat Controller 2; Faith Philly 3. Seven started, Nse, 4L. Time, 2.38.7 (second horse qualified). Trainer, P Iggo.
Qualifying test, trotters, 2600m: Carla Bruni P Davis 1; Tart N Tights 2; Earls Buller Girl 3. Five started. Nk, 6L. Time, 3.33 (four qualified). Trainer, M Nyhan.
Qualifying test, pacers, mobile, 2000m: Field Officer T Bagrie 1; Austin Bromac 2; Jay F Kay 3. Three started. Nk, 2L. Time, 2.33.4 (three qualified). Trainer, P Bagrie.
0w pacers, mobile, 1950m (first heat):Gumboots J Geddes 1; Lillybrook 2; Delboy 3. Seven started. 2L, 3L. Time, 2.27. Trainers, J and J Geddes.
Second heat: Bettor's Fore D Dunn 1; Kotare Roland 2; All Star Man 3. Six started. L, 1L. Time, 2.31.6. Trainer, C Dalgety.
1-2w pacers, mobile, 1950m: Ideal Scott C D Thornley 1; Smiling Star 2; Waipawa Junior 3. Nine started. Nk, 6L. Time, 2.22.2. Trainers, J Green and B Hughes.
3w+ pacers, mobile, 1950m: Ohoka Dallas C De Filippi 1; Sammy Maguire 2; Alchemy 3. Seven started. Lg nk, 2L. Time, 2.24.3. Trainers, M Purdon and G Payne.
0w trotters, 2600m: J D Spur J Geddes 1; Annabelle Lindenny 2; Pricilla 3. Nine started. 4L, 1L. Time, 3.27.7. Trainers, J and J Geddes.
0w pacers, 2600m:Magical Mario T Williams 1; Oursue 2; Hilarious Lavra 3. Nine started. Nse, 3L. Time, 3.22.6. Trainer, K Fairbairn.
1-3w trotters, Thanesan 20 A Butt 1; Dixie Commando 20 2; Fire In The Night 3. Eight started. 4L, nse. Time, 3.26.7. Trainer, T Butt.
1-2w pacers, 2600m: Chechnya N McGrath 1; Anntoro 2; Far Too Rusty 3. Five started. 3L, hd. Time, 3.23.7. Trainer, N McGrath.
4w+ trotters, 2600m: Real Deal Yankee 20 R Holmes 1; Running On Time 30 2; Raydon 30 3. Five started. Hd, L. Time, 3.18.8. Trainer, R Holmes.
3-6w pacers, 2600m: Te Kinga Boy C De Filippi 1; Carabella 2; Cracker Black 3. Seven started. Hd, 1L. Time, 3.21.4. Trainer, R Kennedy.
New Zealand Cup Trial ffa, 2600m: Pembrook Benny B Purdon 1; Mach Banner 2; Pure Power 3. Also (in finish order): Bettor's Strike, Choise Achiever, Devil Dodger, Monkey King, Gomeo Romeo, Terror To Love, Power Of Tara. Nk, nk. Time, 3.15.8, last 800m, 55.9. Trainer, B Purdon.
Weather, overcast; track, fast.
Qualifying test, trotters, 2500m: Freddie Mack B Williamson 1; Bet's Sun 2; Pretty As a Picture 3. Three started. 1L, dist. Time, 3.25.5 (first horse qualified). Trainer, P Williamson.
Qualifying test, pacers, mobile, 2000m: Lifesofine M Williamson 1; Jagged Wings 2; Classic Caesar 3. Four started. 4L, 1L. Time, 2.33 (first three qualified). Trainer, B Negus.
0w pacers, mobile, 2000m: Indian Arrow J Patterson 1; Corin Lee 2; Kowhai Guest 3. Four started. 1L, 4L. Time, 2.36.8. Trainer, J Patterson.
2-7w pacers, mobile, 2000m: Dana Mac W Low 1; Fiery Rascal 2; Flyin Courage 3. Three started. L, L. Time, 2.37.8. Trainer, P Cleave.
0w pacers and qualifying test, 2000m: Graduate Under Fire R Beale 1; Overdose 2; Dream On Julie 3. Three started. Nk, 1/2L. Time, 2.39.9 (Overdose qualified in 2.40). Trainers, R Beale, M Price (Overdose).
0w trotters, 2600m: Whispering Champagne N Taylor 1; No Go Slow Briton 2; Kayleighs Dream 3. Five started. Nse, 1L. Time, 3.33.6. Trainer, N Taylor.
1-3w pacers, 2600m: Falcons Courage 10 C McKay 1; Fastaroundtown 10 2; Nora The Pianist 3. Five started. Nse, 1L. Time, 3.27.7. Trainer, C McKay.
1w+ trotters, 2600m: Armbro Demon 20 M Williamson 1; Prince Harry 40 2; Phil's Gift 3. Four started. Hd, 3L. Time, 3.26.2. Trainer, C McLeod.
Ascot Park
Weather, overcast; track, easy.
Qualifying test, pacers, 2200m: Toretto C Hanna 1; All Our Zuri 2; Flyinezy 3. Four started. 1L, 1L. Time, 2.53.3 (four qualified). Trainer, C Barron.
Two-year-old pacers, mobile, 1700m: Beaudiene Maja Babe A Armour 1; Awesum Teddy 2; Lucky Getaway 3. Three started. 1L, nk. Time, 2.11.6 (three qualified). Trainer, M Brown.
Qualifying test, pacers, mobile, 2200m: Midnight Reign N Williamson 1; Southern Red 2; Misunderstood 3. Seven started. 1L, nse. Time, 2.51.6 (five qualified). Trainers, T Kilkelly and R Hayter.
Qualifying test, trotter, mobile, 2200m: Cool Cobber R Swain. Time, 2.53.6 (qualified). Trainers, C Baynes and R Swain.
0w pacers, mobile, 2200m: Best Deal Yet K Larsen 1; Cuddlecam 2; Terrific 3. Five started. Hd, hd. Time, 2.56.4. Trainer, K Larsen.
1w+ pacers, mobile, 2200m: Lord Forbes G Forbes 1; Great Result 2; Karackas 3. Five started. 4L, L. Time, 2.46.9. Trainer, G Forbes.
0w trotters, 2200m: Superstarourwishes 30 K Barclay 1; Knapdale Girl 2. Two started. Hd. Time, 2.57.8. Trainer, A Shaw.
0w pacers, 2200m: Eddie Boy K Larsen 1; Johnny Tee 2; Curragh Abbey 3. Five started. L, 1 L. Time,2.53.8. Trainer, K Larsen.