Three join Sport Otago

Southern Football chief executive Dougal McGowan is one of three newcomers to the Sport Otago...
Southern Football chief executive Dougal McGowan is one of three newcomers to the Sport Otago board. PHOTO: ODT FILES
Three new faces have joined the board of Sport Otago.

Chairman Jeff Broughton said the appointment of three new trustees followed a "recruitment process which involved a high calibre of applicants from across

Southern Football chief executive Dougal McGowan is one of the newcomers.

Broughton said McGowan brought to the board a lifetime of participation, coaching, wider involvement and experience in both governance and operational leadership in sport.

Andrew Douglas, co-chairman of the audit and risk committee at the Otago Regional Council, is the second new face.

Douglas has been connected to sport through his role as president and committee member of Dunedin Technical football.

The final new trustee is one of the great figures of Otago rugby league.

Gianna Leoni, an academic who is deeply entrenched in Māori and Pasifika communities, has a wide handle on sport at the grassroots.

Leoni is chairwoman of the South Pacific Rugby League and Sports Club, is a committee member of the Otago Rugby League board, and a trustee on the Te Hiku Media board of trustees.

The new trustees will fill the recently vacated seats of Cherie McConville and Jo Gibson, and the seat left vacant when James Nation stepped down to take on the role of chief executive at the end of 2022.

The trustees will officially be appointed at the Sport Otago annual meeting on November 28.