Club to create hub for sport

Sally Currie
Sally Currie
As temperatures rise, waters warm, and the sun shines, outdoor enthusiasts in the Upper Clutha will have yet another opportunity to enjoy their own backyard as part of Wanaka’s first triathlon club.

TriWanaka, as it is known, plans to create a central hub for the sport that had not existed in the town before.

Media manager Sally Currie said the idea of the club came after she met with the Hawke’s Bay Triathlon Club at the beginning of the year, and was inspired by what it does.

"I thought they were the pinnacle of triathlon in New Zealand and wouldn’t it be amazing if we could do something like that in Wanaka."

When she returned home, she started to form the concept with now club president Kelly Good and organised the club’s first meeting around three months ago.

"It’s all starting to come together," Currie said.

"Our current concept which we hope to finalise next week is to do a regular ride night and to cater to every level of rider.

"Then once a month we’ll host mini-events where everyone’s welcome, and the discipline or distance may change each time."

"It’s a chance for people to get involved at a really low cost and to be around some of the best athletes in the sport and learn from them."

The club would provide a place for people to train for Challenge Wanaka as well as youths keen to pursue the sport.

Currie hoped it would grow over time and would be able to hold weekly events in the following summer backed by sponsors and membership.

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