When they first entered the New Zealand Masters Games in 1998 they had a few creaking bones and aching muscles.
In that first year they competed in chairs, coach Cindy Bradburn, of Multi Peak, said.
They could not do the exercises standing up.
But 12 years of aqua classes at Moana Pool have improved their fitness and flexibility and they can now perform with confidence standing up.
The coach was pleased by the gold medal-winning performance in the big marquee at the Games headquarters on Saturday.
"They were focused today," Bradburn said.
"It was a professional performance. I'm so proud of them all."
Bradburn has trained the team once a week for the past two months and they have had extra sessions by themselves to polish their routine.
The coach introduces new movements occasionally to keep them mentally sharp.
"It is a brain gym exercise for them," Bradburn said.
"It forced the brain to develop new channels."
It was a remarkable performance because the combined ages of the eight members of the Sizzling 70s team is 600 years.
Among them they have 16 children, 27 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
The oldest member of the team is retired engraver Fred Millar (79) and the youngest is former school teacher Gerald Gumpatzes at 70.
Six members of the team have retired but Olive Gray still works on the TAB tote at the races and Mavis Needham is a tour guide at Olveston.
"We compete because it's fun," Gray said.
"We enjoy getting together. This is more important to us than winning the gold medal."
Over the past 12 years they have taken heed of Bradburn's constant call to use it or lose it, and it has paid dividends in their improved health and fitness.
They reward their coach by baking fruit cakes, biscuits and fudge for her.