Otago Boys' beaten in interschool

Rugby action from the interschool between Otago Boys' High School and Christchurch Boys' High...
Rugby action from the interschool between Otago Boys' High School and Christchurch Boys' High School at Littlebourne in Dunedin today. Photos: Peter McIntosh

Christchurch Boys’ High School have taken the honours in their interschool with Otago Boys’ High School in Dunedin today.

In rugby, the visitors won the First XV clash 27-10, the Second XV game 31-7, and the under-15 rugby 28-5.

Christchurch Boys’ also won the squash 4-1.

The First XI football game was drawn 1-1 but Otago Boys’ won the basketball 93-77 and the hockey 3-1.

Overall, Christchurch Boys’ won the interschool 4-2.