Pulse favourites but little between finalists

The Central Pulse head into the ANZ Premiership final tomorrow as favourites. PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES
The Central Pulse head into the ANZ Premiership final tomorrow as favourites. PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES
Then there were two. The Central Pulse host the Northern Mystics in the ANZ Premiership final tomorrow. Netball writer Kayla Hodge examines the teams for the final time this season.

The match-up

A tall target, a rangy defender, and zippy midcourters. Sound familiar? The Central Pulse and the Northern Mystics sport nearly identical line-ups, making for an electric final. But the the Pulse have had the slip on the Mystics twice this season, winning 52-47 in round four and 54-38 in round nine. The Mystics took bragging rights in the most recent clash with a 68-58 victory. But, as we all know, while that might give some sides more confidence, prior performances count for little if they cannot string it together at the big dance. Both teams have battled through injuries this season — Grace Nweke, Peta Toeava (Mystics) and Amelia Walmsley, Tiana Metuarau, Khiarna Williams, Maddy Gordon (Pulse) — but the Pulse arguably weathered that storm better. Mystics looked good in their elimination final against the Mainland Tactix last week and will need that form to overcome the Pulse.

Central Pulse

The oil

When the cards have been stacked against them this season, the Pulse have always found a way. With their three contracted shooters sidelined for a large portion of the season, and their star midcourter, the Pulse’s depth has really been the shining star for the Wellington team. Martina Salmon, stepping into the shoes of Walmsley, has been sensational to help the Pulse through those woes. But it has been the minor premiership winners slick ability across the court that has also impressed. No matter who has filled the voids, the Pulse have managed to knuckle down and work through any situations. Really have been the most consistent team this season — driven by Whitney Souness and Kelly Jackson — after the wheels fell off for the Tactix at the end. The best defensive team in the league.

Key player

Kelly Jackson. Jackson has just been everywhere this season and really reaped the rewards of the work she has done off the court. If she can get on top of Nweke early, you can almost call it game over.

Why they win

Their depth and balance across the court has been a game winner for them all season and there is no reason that should not continue through the final.

Known for their tight one-on-one defence, the Pulse really push their opposition to their limits and grind them down for the whole 60 minutes.

That becomes such a tax for the opposition to combat and they know how to get in the head of their opposition as well. Kelly Jackson matches Nweke for the height and the two are familiar with each other’s game from the Silver Ferns environment and she has been in some form. They will also be fresh from having the week off which will do the world of good for their stars who are still on managed minutes coming back from injury.

Northern Mystics

The oil

Hot off their 68-64 elimination final win against the Tactix last week, the Mystics are continuing on an upward trajectory. They remained calm and composed, even when they were behind on the scoreboard, and produced a really strong final eight minutes to win. Nweke and Toeava always team well together and Phoenix Karaka and her understudy Carys Stythe have made a great combination in the defence circle this year. Never afraid to just let the ball go. Struggled through the middle part of the season, but none of that counts for anything any more. It is about what they can conjure up tomorrow.

Key player

Tayla Earle. Might be a surprise pick because of the attention the Nweke-Toeava connection attracts, but Earle is the engine room in the middle. Does everything a good centre should switching from attack to defence and really controls the tempo of their ball through the court.

Why they win

Look no further than the determination to go back-to-back. That never fails to get a team in the zone. They are strangers to winning away from home either having won the title last season in Hamilton after the final venue was determined at the start of the season. A unit that has started to click and their ingrained connections are second to none. Have no fewer than five Silver Ferns in their starting lineup and that experience is always critical in the pressure moments of finals netball. Katie Te Ao made a really nice cameo off the bench last week. Look for her injection late in the game if the Mystics need something to spur them on.

Hodge’s prediction: Think it will be tighter than last year’s final, but I’ll still say the Pulse by five.
