Netball: Deficit due to shortfall in funding

Paul Buckner.
Paul Buckner.
Netball South recorded a $21,000 deficit last year, but chairman Paul Buckner says the organisation is not too ''fazed by it''.

The deficit, which was reported at Netball South's annual meeting last Saturday, was not due to a blow out in expenditure, but rather a $90,000 deficit in funding and grants, Buckner said.

''That was a killer,'' he said.

''A $90,000 deficit there, that would have turned it all around. Collect that and we're up $70,000.

''We just didn't get in quite as much as we had budgeted, and that's always hard to control.''

The deficit represents about 1% of the organisation's revenue stream, $2.006 million, of which funding and grants are the biggest source, at $1.269 million.

Buckner said the loss was ''disappointing'' because the organisation was ''in line at one stage to maybe make a small surplus''.

However, he is confident Netball South would at least break even this year.

Former chief executive Sue Clarke finished up last Tuesday and her replacement, who will be announced next week, will be instrumental in ensuring the goal is met.

''It just gives a little bit of steel to the incoming chief executive, to assist us through that process,'' Buckner said.

While Netball New Zealand supported all five zones - South, Mainland, Central, Waikato-Bay of Plenty and Northern - Buckner would like to see more financial help.

''The best way to promote the ANZ Championship is the headline sponsors, which are brought in by Netball New Zealand,'' Buckner said.

''That money should be filtered down, not totally, but to a larger percent to what it is to relieve zones to make sure they have the financial ability to deliver netball at grassroots and community level.

''We're in increasing competition with a number of franchises right across the codes. The funders want to treat everyone equal, so it's hard to get ahead of the pack.''

Netball South, which received $246,000 in sponsorship last year, has $167,000 in total assets, including $114,000 in cash and short-term deposits.

However, the organisation is still nursing a $82,000 debt inherited from the previous model, Southern TeamCo.

''We took that debt on to our balance sheet,'' Bucker said.

''It's historic. We aren't concerned, but we are aware of it and we are managing it.

''We have got a good cash flow. We get our money and we control it. We don't have large reserves, unfortunately.

''But on a day to day basis, it's business as usual. We will be here beyond 2016.''

Two years into the zonal system, Netball South was in a ''better place'', and the organisation has a greater awareness of what is required to function within its means, Buckner said.

The sport is growing, with 11,500 players from year one and two through to the senior level registered, a 1% increase from a year ago.

There are also 1930 social and summer players in the Southern zone.

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