Motorsport: Season ends at 'best track in New Zealand'

Mark Evans, of Tapanui, heads off Daniel Anderson, of Te Anau at the Central Motor Speedway's...
Mark Evans, of Tapanui, heads off Daniel Anderson, of Te Anau at the Central Motor Speedway's final meeting for the season. Photo by Lynda Van Kempen
Masses of feedback from drivers about the track being the "best in the country" has capped off a successful season at the Central Motor Speedway in Cromwell.

"Everyone seems to love our track. The drivers from all over the country just rave about it," speedway president Andy Erskine said.

"It's the best track in New Zealand - that's all you hear from them."

The track surface, shape, and its "grip or drive" in racing terms, were all contributing factors, he said.

"It's faster as well - all grades come here and record quicker lap times than anywhere else."

The speedway held its "Last Chance" meeting on Saturday to conclude the season.

"It's a low key meeting, the last chance for drivers to gain club points, and also a fun day where drivers can swap cars around and do something different."

As well as positive comments about the facility, the drivers and support crews had also rated the atmosphere at the Cromwell track highly, Mr Erskine said.

Good crowds attended the Christmas and Easter meetings and looking towards the next season, one of the highlights would be the speedway hosting the New Zealand sprint car grand prix event in early January.

The club had been upgrading the facility in recent years and the next thing on the "wish list" was improvements to the pit area, he said.

"With the number of drivers at our meetings now we need more room in the pit area, extra lighting and so on."

The speedway was in its 30th year and the club had about 70 members, Mr Erskine said. More volunteers to help out were always welcome and would be given training if they wanted to work as officials behind the scenes.


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