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Getting some air . . .Lily Bloomfield (11), of Queenstown Primary. PHOTO LYNDA VAN KEMPEN

Leisurely lunch . . . Refuelling for the afternoon activities were St Joseph's pupils (from left) Jesse Wilson, Lucy Dickson and Lindsay Manalaysay (all 10), Char Short (9), Ella Buchanan (10) and Bella Anderson (9). PHOTO LYNDA VAN KEMPEN

Great exchange . . . Sofie Arhanic (8,left) is handed the baton by her Arrowtown Primary team mate, Alex Hull (8). PHOTO LYNDA VAN KEMPEN

Striding out . . . Arrowtown Primary relay runner Brodie Proctor (11) .PHOTO LYNDA VAN KEMPEN

Liam Aston (13), of Wakatipu High School. PHOTO LYNDA VAN KEMPEN

Getting some air . . .Lily Bloomfield (11), of Queenstown Primary. PHOTO LYNDA VAN KEMPEN

Leisurely lunch . . . Refuelling for the afternoon activities were St Joseph's pupils (from left) Jesse Wilson, Lucy Dickson and Lindsay Manalaysay (all 10), Char Short (9), Ella Buchanan (10) and Bella Anderson (9). PHOTO LYNDA VAN KEMPEN