Wind farm decision time extended to legal maximum

The decision on whether the Slopedown wind farm, near Wyndham, in Southland, will go ahead has been delayed again, but will definitely be delivered on March 18.

The panel overseeing the application issued a minute late last week saying the proposal has been paused for three days and has now reached the maximum 50 days extension allowed under fast track legislation.

The minute was accompanied by evidence from applicant Contact Energy.

Contact outlined an environment court decision granting an appeal to allow the Mt Munro wind farm near Eketāhuna in northern Wairarapa.

In the decision, the court said development of additional renewable energy generation was a matter of national significance.

While the various policy documents do not suggest it should proceed at any cost to the environment, there was strong direction in national, regional and district planning instruments in providing for its development, the decision said.

The court was not persuaded that the effect on the amenity of the nearby community outweighed the benefits of the project.

Contact said though the sites were different the court's reasoning showed how relevant national policy statement provisions must influence an overall consenting evaluation was directly relevant to, and instructive for, the panel's task.