Waikoikoi’s fundraising golf tournament draws strong support

The 30th annual Waikoikoi Ambrose Golf Tournament was a smash hit last Saturday. PHOTO: SUPPLIED...
The 30th annual Waikoikoi Ambrose Golf Tournament was a smash hit last Saturday. PHOTO: SUPPLIED BY LIZ STARNES
The 30th Waikoikoi Ambrose Golf Tournament was a smash hit on Saturday, with plenty of teams getting their yearly fix at the popular event.

The tournament is the main fundraiser for Waikoikoi School.

This year there were 17 teams competing at Vicki and Lennox Crawford’s farm, which was converted to a golf course for the day.

The theme was country hoe-down and the golfers dressed for the occasion.

Home and School Association chairwoman Paige Kirk said the success of the event was paramount for the school.

"It’s our one big fundraiser for the year, and this year we had a huge turnout.

"Lots of teams came up from Gore, we’re hugely supported by local businesses with sponsorship. It’s a regular fixture in people’s diaries."

Mrs Kirk said the continued success was not surprising to her.

"I think it’s because it’s something different, it’s dress-up, it’s out there on the farm, it’s something to have fun with," she said.

Organising the tournament took a lot of time and manpower and preparation began months in advance.

"It’s something they look forward to, it’s lovely. It has become iconic because people have so much fun and enjoy themselves," she said.

Mrs Kirk thanked all the sponsors for their generosity, the Crawfords for again allowing their farm to be used, and everyone who came out to make the 30th event something special.

"We feel really privileged. Thirty years of a fundraiser is an incredible length of time to have something running.

"Everyone has a goal of keeping this small rural school going, and the children thriving, and we’re really grateful for that," she said.
