Town in line to make Valiant effort

Gore man Doug Christie and his 1974 Chrysler Valiant. PHOTO: STEVE HEPBURN
Gore man Doug Christie and his 1974 Chrysler Valiant. PHOTO: STEVE HEPBURN
It is a pretty sharp piece of motoring and stands out in the crowd.

But come next month, Doug Christie’s 1974 Chrysler Valiant is going to be one among many.

Gore is set to hold the Mopars car show at Labour Weekend, where Valiant owners from all over the country and beyond will come and show their vehicles and cruise the streets of Gore.

Mr Christie will have his stunning red Valiant — one of three he owns — on display and there will be 200 Chryslers in the town.

A Mopars show takes place in New Zealand every year, and this year it is Gore’s turn. The town last held the event in 2012.

Mr Christie bought the car 27 years ago and over the years had had a dozen Valiants.

The car was something special to him, and he spent many hours under the bonnet, making sure the vehicle had a clean bill of health.

"If you put the work in and get them up nice then they go well. Sure, they’re not that good on fuel but that is what you get," he said.

"There is that personal enjoyment you get out of driving an old car which runs really nicely."

Chryslers meant something to many people.

"They were the underdog of the big three. They were affordable and for a young guy back then you could buy one and get them out on the road."

Chrysler, Ford and General Motors were the big three American automobile manufacturers.

His Valiant had a 265 six-cylinder engine, and finds the speed limit — and not over — quite comfortably.

Mr Christie had been to other Mopars events and said there was a real camaraderie among the drivers.

The Gore event would have a couple of cruises of vehicles around the district which would make quite a sight, Mr Christie said.

The name Mopars stems from the name of the car parts, service and customer care division, a part of the former Chrysler Corporation.