Although winter is a long way off, most winter greens should be planted by the middle of January, although Brussels sprouts generally give better crops if planted before Christmas.
Cabbages, broccoli, kale, cauliflowers and silverbeet all need rich ground to give good crops and ground where early potatoes have been grown is generally suitable. A generous dressing of lime will help prevent club root. Avoid growing any members of the cabbage and turnip families in the same spot two years in a row to lower the risk of getting this soil-borne fungus.
Water seedlings well until they are established and hoe around them to prevent the soil caking. Grey aphis can be controlled by spraying with a solution of soap and water.
The bigger members of the Cucurbita family — marrows, pumpkins and cucumbers — should all be forming fruits. Limit the number by nipping the ends of growing shoots to reflect the plant’s capacity and, especially with pumpkins, keep in mind the size the mature fruit will reach when deciding how many to let grow. — Star Garden Book