Street transformed to show neighbourly love

Sisters Ivy, 9, and Cia, 6, Mulqueen, of Gore, are stars of the new Neighbourhood Support videos...
Sisters Ivy, 9, and Cia, 6, Mulqueen, of Gore, are stars of the new Neighbourhood Support videos made in Gore. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Gore is taking centre stage and it will go nationwide, all in the name of neighbourly love.

Suburban Naumai St is like most streets in New Zealand — it has a mixture of families and people who just get on with life and try to get along.

But Naumai St was transformed into Manaaki Street in the past few months to tell the story of how a street responds to the three principles of Neighbourhood Support. They are: reach out, look out and help out.

The Manaaki Street videos are based on the book of the same name, which was launched four years ago and tells the story of how a street responds to the Neighbourhood Support principles.

Manaaki Street was written by Neighbourhood Support New Zealand’s former chairwoman and current chief executive Louise Grevel, and illustrated by Kerin Casey.

It details what Neighbourhood Support is all about, by following a child and their mother on a simple walk through their neighbourhood. It offers an easily accessible way for young children to understand the benefit of caring communities.

Neighbourhood Support Eastern Southland area co-ordinator Karen Bellew was thrilled with the video and how Gore had been selected.

"It was a real coup to be chosen ... to have the video series filmed in Gore.

"Sharlene Taylor-Giles and Kelly Young pulled the whole project together, transforming Naumai St into Manaaki Street," Ms Bellew said.

Most of the film crew came from the North Island but there was a taste of Southland — cheese rolls and swede were part of the videos.

The videos will be used nationwide in Neighbourhood Support regions and will screen at Gore’s St James Theatre over the next three months.