When we had a very big downpour of rain last year this section was filled to the brim with water.
This is a potential hazard which for public safety, and especially children’s safety, needs to be addressed.
Private swimming pools are required to be fenced because there have been numerous drownings in them.
I think this section needs to be fenced.
A fence does not have to be expensive.
A post and netting fence, well constructed, would be sufficient similar to the one surrounding the Tapanui sewerage pond.
It doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg, so to speak.
In Gore a tragedy occurred at our sewerage ponds and I’m sure we don’t want that repeated.
Give this careful consideration.
Lynette Howden, Gore
We acknowledge and share the writer’s concerns about public safety so although there is no legal obligation to fence the basins at Elizabeth St and Matai Ridge, we are conducting a full risk assessment which will be provided to council for a final decision on fencing.
— Gore District Council critical services generalmanager Jason Domigan