Letter to the Editor

I was surprised and disappointed the Green Party and Te Pāti Māori were not canvassed for the article on the Otago Regional Council’s land and water plan (‘Sensible’ for ORC to delay decision, August 21).

Bearing in mind the two parties are in Parliament, (representing the same proportion of voters as Act New Zealand/NZ First) their views should have been sought.

Also, while it seems sensible to quote local MPs Joseph Mooney (National-Southland), Mark Patterson (New Zealand First list MP based in Otago) and Ingrid Leary (Labour-Taieri), I’m not sure Mark Cameron, Act’s spokesperson for agriculture based in Northland, was the right choice. Moreover, reporting Simon Davies’ opinion (former president Federated Farmers Otago) as well as farmers Mr Patterson and Mr Cameron appeared to privilege the agricultural voice over others.

As Mr Patterson said in the article, "a balanced approach is required". So too for reporting.

Thank you

J L Johnstone, Balclutha

Editor: Your comments are noted.