Councillors should hang their heads in shame

Gore Mayor Ben Bell says in reply to my letter that the settlement with [former Gore District Council chief executive] Stephen Parry was to resolve an employment issue and was agreed to by all elected members.

He went on to say the council was unable to comment further due to confidentiality obligations.

Why shouldn’t ratepayers know the reason why a golden handshake of over $290,000 to Mr Parry was necessary?

If all elected members of the council knew the reason, shouldn’t ratepayers know as well?

If all elected members also knew why Mr Parry was also given a $25,000 car, why shouldn’t ratepayers know as well?

It was also reported Mr Parry was given $6000 plus GST of ratepayers’ money for so-called professional development.

What is professional development and how will Gore ratepayers benefit from that payment to one individual?

The huge level of debt — over $62 million and I understand that huge level will get bigger — is a huge and shameful figure that all past councils have caused. All councillors, past and present, should hang their heads in shame.

Perhaps they could pass the hat around and make a payment to us poor ratepayers who are expected to pay the exorbitant rate demands we are being asked to pay!

Like all other ratepayers we have just received our rates demand.

We have been living at our present address for just on 50 years.

In the 2020-21 year our rates were $4500. They have now gone up to $5145.29.

[Abridged — Ed]

Allistair Meikle