Ali Green, 30, said she did not know quite what to expect when she signed up for four weeks of ambassador-style event attendance, learning, team-building and speech preparation two months ago.
However, since taking part and being nominated this year’s queen, Ms Green said she had become a firm supporter of the confidence-building country music tradition.
"People might think it’s about being a country music queen, but it’s not. I love my country music, but I don’t perform.
"It’s about learning to communicate with confidence, and learning about your district and the things that make it special."
Ms Green, who works in real estate at First National in Gore, said although she did not lack confidence communicating with clients and small groups of people, working towards making a presentation to about 100 guests during the final event night last Sunday had been a new experience.
"We had five different subjects to talk about, and we worked on those during the four-week buildup at different venues. Then we attended Toastmasters, who were amazing in helping us develop special speech techniques and polishing our presentation skills.
"After giving my speech at the Gore RSA on the final night, and learning I’d been nominated queen, I was genuinely overwhelmed. It was totally unexpected.
"To speak in front of that many people and get the feedback I did was something very special, and I can’t explain the confidence I feel now just in my everyday life and work."
She said she and the other four contenders had formed a strong bond during the experience.
"We’ve all made some great friends. The event had never really crossed my mind before, but now I’m planning to join the committee and help promote it.
"If anyone wants to drop by for a cup of coffee to find out what it’s all about, I’d love to see you."
She thanked all those who had helped her with advice and support during the competition.