Open Sundays 1pm-4pm, 1276 Invercargill-Bluff Highway.
Free garden horse manure
Located in manure bin at Southland Riding for the Disabled carpark, 184Erskine Rd, Otatara. Fill your own bags/trailer. Some bags supplied, bring a shovel.
50s-plus social club
Are you a single senior and enjoy dining out? Join us at weekends for either lunch or dinner. Inquiries: Alison, 027 350-9686.
Stay young exercise class for seniors
Wednesdays, from 2.30pm–3.30pm
Peacehaven Village’s Anderson Hall, 498 Tweed St, Invercargill.
SupportLink is a community service run by Enliven Southland. SupportLink runs events for people who are semi or fully retired. Gold coin donation.
SupportLink Ignite coffee club
For semi-retired and fully retired people in Invercargill. Mystery guest speaker each month. Morning tea provided.Last Friday of the month, 10am-noon. Anderson Hall, 498 Tweed St, Invercargill. Free to attend.
Inquiries: phone (03) 211-8256 or email supportlnksld@pss.org.nz