Sun shines on grant for community hub

Rio Tinto community and social performance manager Dion Williams (left), South Alive community...
Rio Tinto community and social performance manager Dion Williams (left), South Alive community development and operations manager Courtney Ellison and Network Electrical Servicing general manager Hoani Cooper hope a solar panel project will enhance community wellbeing. PHOTO: LUISA GIRAO
New light will soon be shed on a community hub in Invercargill.

About 118 solar panels will soon cover the whole roof of South Alive after the community hub received a grant from the Murihiku Rūnaka and Rio Tinto/NZAS Community Development Fund.

South Alive community development and operations manager Courtney Ellison said the panels were a great addition to the hub as there was a strong focus on sustainability.

"We are always looking for those win-wins, and the installation of solar panels will help us minimise our environmental footprint, while also reducing our ongoing operating costs," she said.

Ms Ellison said the initiative would save about $10,000 a year in power bills.

The solar system would have significant environment benefits — it was equivalent to 1249 trees planted a year, she said.

"It is probably the biggest capital project we have done since the community space was created here at South Alive and The Pantry more than five years ago, so we are really excited."

Rio Tinto community and social performance manager Dion Williams said the kaupapa of South Alive fit perfectly with the aims of the fund.

"We are really pleased that the funding is going to such a worthwhile initiative.

"The installation of solar panels will help give the South Alive hub a sustainable future, so it can continue its great work around Invercargill, driving community connection."

Network Electrical Servicing general manager Hoani Cooper said his company would install the panels.

The contract was signed last week. Installation will probably start next month and take two weeks to complete.