Special edition takes the cake

Invercargill mother Michelle Pannett made a birthday cake inspired by the Southland Express for...
Invercargill mother Michelle Pannett made a birthday cake inspired by the Southland Express for her son Flynn, who has a part-time job delivering the community newspaper. PHOTOS: LUISA GIRAO/SUPPLIED
An Invercargill paperboy had a different kind of delivery last month.

James Hargest College student Flynn Pannett has been delivering the Southland Express to letterboxes in the city after school, for about a year.

His birthday this year — August 5 — was a Thursday, the Express delivery day.

After having help from his family to finish his job faster, he was surprised at home with his own edition of the Southland Express, in the form of a birthday cake.

"Yeah, that was a cool cake. I’ve had lots of cool cakes from mum over the years as well."

His mother, Michelle Pannett, said she loved to make cakes for her son and tried to be creative with them.

"Usually something he's interested in. Last year it was an electric guitar and we've had a fish cake, a KFC bucket ... Just something I do for fun and enjoyment really and with his birthday this year falling on Thursday, which of course is delivery day, it was a no-brainer."

Flynn said he loved his job.

"It's quite relaxing. I listen to music while doing it and I find my zone, so it is a good job."