Street Machines Southland president Doug Arthur said the fundraiser was well supported by the 73 shiny cars that turned up throughout the day.
Santa joined in with the day’s theme by exchanging his sleigh for a 1923 Ford T-Bucket Santa and handed out lollies and presents to children.
"It was a great day that started with a big breakfast and then just got better as the day went on," Mr Arthur said.
Live music from a three-piece band helped bring everything together and create a great atmosphere, he said.
The heavy showers at the start of the day disappeared by lunchtime when the event opened to the public.
The Kennington Hall committee supported the event with stalls of food, hand-knitted garments, home-made pickles and sauces, he said.
Gary, The Mad Modeller, also set up a table showcasing identical hand-created hot rods he had made to order.
"Between the car show and an earlier club challenge day we managed to raise $2100 dollars that will go towards the Kennington Hall’s new roof," Mr Arthur said.
- By Toni McDonald