On November 21, Pavluber will celebrate a decade in the dessert delivery game thanks to that on-air gag.
Pavluber co-founder James McRobie said: "I was one of the founders of Pavluber so it came about 10 years ago when I was working on The Hits radio station with Liv Cochrane.
"We were talking about how great it would be if we had a dessert delivery business in town.
"We just workshopped the idea from that point and approached Janice at Koha Kai, and decided we’d go out one night a year and sell some desserts as a bit of a fundraiser," Mr McRobie said.
A collaboration between non-profit organisation GreenLight Innovations and Koha Kai gave birth to Pavluber and the dessert delivery service has provided regular employment for Koha Kai staff and "glorious" affordable desserts for the Murihiku community.
Greenlight Innovations director Leon Hartnett said his Invercargill charity was all about connecting people and supporting other organisations.
"Pavluber had been going for two years, and we thought this is brilliant, so we got involved, and we’ve supported the logistics and organised the drivers, scheduled everything, so it has been a wonderful collaboration, Mr Hartnett said.
Koha Kai manager Samantha Lee said Koha Kai was a registered charitable trust and a vocational education and training service provider for people with disabilities.
"The Pavluber birthday is a great chance for our guys who have disabilities to make all the puddings.
"After they’ve had a whole day of cooking, they’ll go out with Leon’s drivers and deliver to the community and then they get to come to the annual community feast at the end of it as a guest, rather than as a worker," she said.