James Meager, who was also hunting and fishing minister, visited Invercargill last weekend where he had a busy day which included a meeting with the two organisations.
Speaking to the Otago Daily Times yesterday, he said it was unfortunate the two organisations’ relationship became estranged after a court decision.
"I think they've both got a lot to offer to hunting and fishing in the region and then of course farmers are fishers and vice versa so you've got them sitting on both sides of the story.
"I just think it's time for them to move on, move past some of the past issues.
"Some of the issues around court cases and consenting are being dealt with by the government and I'd really like them to focus on what they can do to make it easier for New Zealanders to go hunting and fishing."
Mr Meager said he sent the message loud and clear to Fish & Game but also showed Federated Farmers’s representatives that the government was supporting the farming sector and has fixed the issue that that court case brought up.
"Hopefully they've heard that message and they're more willing to sit down at the table and work together.
"I've said to both sides if you have issues try and sort them out with each other first but if you can't sort them out then come to me."
Mr Meager, who was hosted by Invercargill MP Penny Simmonds, also had a meeting with Southland District Council mayor Rob Scott, Invercargill mayor Nobby Clark, Gore District Council mayor Ben Bell and Environment Southland chairman Nico Horrell.
He heard what the priorities were for them and "unsurprisingly" it was all around transport infrastructure, the roading networks and the need for good investment.
"That was front of mind for them ... I think they have the largest or maybe the second-largest unsealed roading network in the country and that's a very common thing throughout the South Island — very very large roading networks with some slightly smaller ratepayer bases.
"So it's a question of what value do you put on those roads?
"What's being produced on those roads and how can we better invest in the long-term resilience of those roads?
"Because the better the roads are the more goods and people we can move along them and the more we can grow the economy."
The message was well received and he would be feeding that back to Transport Minister Chris Bishop in due course, he said.
Mr Meager’s schedule also included a meeting with the team at Invercargill Airport, South Port and Number 10 Southland Youth One Stop Shop and, of course, a taste of the local delicacies such cheese rolls, blue cod and oysters.
"We turned up at the port and what was on display but bluff oysters so it doesn't get better than that I think."
He had a busy but great day in Invercargill enjoying the Southern hospitality and hoped to return to the region soon, he said.