Pool coming down; facilities going in

Mataura ward councillor Neville Phillips checks on the progress being made to demolish the former...
Mataura ward councillor Neville Phillips checks on the progress being made to demolish the former Mataura swimming pool. PHOTO: SANDY EGGLESTON
After years of controversy and indecision the walls are coming down — Gore District Council contractors began demolishing the Mataura swimming pool building this week.

The west wall will come down first, allowing workers to gut the building before taking down the remaining walls and filling the pool base with compacted gravel.

The pool was closed in 2017 after falling patronage and escalating costs.

Council parks and recreation manager Keith McRobie said when the building was demolished and the site cleared the plan was to install a new Exceloo toilet/change room/utility block plus a caravan waste disposal unit as part of the $1.1million Tulloch Park stage 2 development.

"We hope to have these in by early March, depending on the supply out of Auckland."

The project team will consider options for a splash pad later this month.

The demolition work does not affect the nearby children’s playground and pump track, which were opened in 2019 in stage 1 of the redevelopment.

Of stage 2’s $1.1million budget all but $70,000 is coming from external funding sources.

Reopening the pool was still being discussed in 2022 when the Tulloch Park redevelopment was an agenda item of the December Mataura Community Board meeting.

However, in a report tabled at the board meeting in March last year council aquatic services manager Martin Mackereth said reopening the pool could cost more than $5 million.

At that point the board recommended to the council the pool be demolished at the council’s expense.

It was expected the demolition would cost $150,000.

Mataura ward councillor Neville Phillips said he was pleased the demolition was finally going ahead.

"The council at the time should have made the decision to pull the building down.

"In between times you’ve had the hopes of all the people trying to re-establish the pool as a swimming pool."

Mataura residents would now be able to move on and enjoy the new facilities, Cr Phillips said.
