Poi initiative improving wellbeing of residents

Peacehaven Village resident Bill Neill (top centre) shows his skills. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
Peacehaven Village resident Bill Neill (top centre) shows his skills. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED
An initiative to improve and enrich Enliven residents’ wellbeing is in full swing.

Staff, residents and their whānau in Invercargill are learning how to use poi as part of the Poi Rere initiative, introduced into Enliven Southland’s care homes during Matariki celebrations.

Pou Tohutohu Ahurea Māori cultural adviser Michelle Ryland said, in a statement, the benefits associated with poi were many.

"Poi stimulates the mind and body by improving grip strength and aiding cognitive function. It is also an effective social activity, providing an opportunity for residents to interact with others, thereby reducing loneliness," she said.

Southland Adventist Christian School pupil Vasemaca (Va) Tuivanuayelewa, 12, helps out Vickery...
Southland Adventist Christian School pupil Vasemaca (Va) Tuivanuayelewa, 12, helps out Vickery Court residents Lesley Smith (left) and Isobel Fox.
"We see it as another way for our residents to remain connected and feel part of our local hāpori [community].”

Vickery Court physiotherapist Antoinette Lai said poi was a fun way for residents to exercise.

The Poi Rere initiative also provided a Māori cultural learning opportunity for residents and staff.

School and community groups have also been helping.

The Poi Rere initiative was made possible thanks to funding from the Ministry of Social Development’s Age Friendly Fund.