Mātaitai reserve application reaches submission stage

The application to make a popular fishing area in Foveaux Strait a mātaitai reserve is now one step closer.

This week the Ministry for Primary Industries started the second part of a consultation to create a mātaitai reserve around Ruapuke Island which included the waters around the island, Green Island, Breaksea Island, the Hazelburg Group, Bird Island, White Island and Lee Island.

The Topi and Whaitiri families along with Awarua Runanga were the applicants and Ricki Topi said previously they decided to take this step as the area had been over-fished over the past decades.

Fisheries New Zealand management director Emma Taylor said for Mātaitai reserves applications, two consultations were required.

The first consultation involved a hui with the local community, which was held by Fisheries New Zealand (FNZ) and the applicants, to discuss the proposed Mātaitai reserve.

The second consultation was held with people who had fishing interests, she said.

‘‘A hui was held on 25 July, and local community consultation closed on 19 August 2024.

‘‘Following consideration of the submissions and matters raised at the hui, the applicants have requested that FNZ proceed to fishing interest consultation with no amendments to the application.’’

She said fishing was generally banned in a mātaitai reserve, but the application proposed a number of specified commercial fishing activities to continue.

‘‘For recreational fishing, when a mātaitai reserve is established, the recreational fishing rules do not change.

However, the Tangata Tiaki for a mātaitai reserve may propose changes to the rules at a later date.’’

Submissions close on November 18.
