Lachie 'cold and wet', body 'in perfect condition'

Lachie Jones
Lachie Jones
A St John volunteer who performed CPR on Lachie Jones said the boy’s body was “cold” and “floppy”.

Coroner Alexander Ho’s inquest into the 2019 death of the 3-year-old continued this morning.

Police concluded the boy had drowned after he was found face up in an oxidation pond 1.2km away from his Gore home.

Today, Bernie Varaine, an emergency medical technician for St John, described his attempt to revive Lachie.

He said he performed CPR for “quite a while” with no success.

“It was January, it was. . . a relatively warm night and he was cold to touch and wet,” the witness said.

“There was nothing inconsistent with a body coming out of the water.” 

An ambulance care summary recorded the boy was “floppy and unresponsive”.

He said there were no obvious signs of rigor mortis or rigidness, but could not form a view on Lachie’s time of death.

Funeral directors Kevin Hammond and Elizabeth Dennis said they would always check over a body after a post-mortem.

“We both noted that Lachie’s body was in perfect condition,” they wrote in a joint letter.

Mr Hammond said Lachie’s father, Paul Jones, asked to check his son’s feet and legs for marks.

They did, and the witness said he did not see any damage to Lachie’s feet.

Constable Rachel Lean was involved in photographing Lachie’s body, and also did not notice any unusual markings.

A police officer is expected to give evidence today in a closed court, which the media are excluded from.

The court heard this was due to the witness’s health.