Dumping of litter on riverbanks ‘getting worse’

Photo: ODT files
Photo: ODT files
Litter on riverbanks in the Gore district is getting worse and dumping rubbish is becoming more common, a Gore District Council committee meeting heard yesterday.

Cr Robert McKenzie has noticed an increase in litter, mainly on riverbanks in the district.

He had noticed riverbanks in areas such as Otamite, near Mandeville, had been affected.

"The rubbish that is appearing in those places. I believe is getting a lot worse," he said.

"Places like [Otamite], where people go quite often. You can see it thrown in the long grass. Dogs walking along and you can hear it going ‘crunch, crunch, crunch’, [they’re] walking on aluminum cans."

He had a dog himself, which he often walked in "a lot of places", he said.

"Personally in those riverbank situations I think it’s getting worse."

Some of the rubbish he had seen included bags of aluminum cans and broken glass, which he picked up, he said.

"You can take it to the recycling centre. It’s absolutely ridiculous."

The litter issue was discussed at a policy and regulatory committee meeting in the council chambers yesterday and .

included a regulatory services report.

A graph in the report showed four customer service requests regarding dumped rubbish had been received in July, up from three received at the same time in 2023.

Speaking about the report, Cr Richard McPhail said he had been made aware of more people "fly dumping" in the district.

"I’ve had members of the community talk to me about it ... quite a timely reminder to people that if they get caught out they can be prosecuted for it."

Community members had been "vigilantly" trying to follow those who had been dumping, he said.

"If they get you they will take a photo of your registration number and hopefully report it."

Terry Rd and River Rd had both been used as dumping grounds, he said.