But Mayor Rob Scott has confirmed he will be in the mix, saying the cycle is too short to only consider a single term.
"I love the job and have got a lot of work still to do, so I’d love to carry on," Mr Scott said.

Mr Scott became mayor by a narrow margin in 2022, just 39 votes ahead of second place.
Former mayor Gary Tong was close behind in third place, and confirmed to Local Democracy Reporting last week his political days were over.
None of the elected councillors expressed mayoral aspirations, and some were still undecided about where they stood.
Wrapping up his eighth term, Cr Paul Duffy has previously said this would be his last but said he was having second thoughts after rectifying health issues.
He said there were "a lot of issues" affecting the council, including funding pressures, rising costs and uncertainty around water.

"Challenging and frustrating. A lot of words. Rewarding may not be one of them."
Fellow first-termer Matt Wilson did not have a definitive answer, but admitted he initially thought he would not stand again before reconsidering.
"It [the council] moves a lot slower than I ever expected," he said.
Cr Margie Ruddenklau was also yet to decide, while Stewart Island/Rakiura representative Jon Spraggon said there was a possibility he would stand again.
Cr Darren Frazer was more certain, saying he had run his race after three terms.
"I’m done, so that’s it for me."
Cr Frazer said the role was getting more challenging, but he believed the council had still delivered "some good stuff".
Those keen for another term included deputy mayor Christine Menzies and Cr Sarah Greaney, who indicated her first term had been a mixed bag.
"I think it has been varied. It's been interesting — certainly had a lot of challenges and a lot of work in the pipeline that still needs to be done," she said.
Other names likely to reappear on voting papers included Crs Julie Keast, Jaspreet Boparai, Tom O’Brien and Don Byars.
The Southland District Council is made up of one mayor and 12 councillors.
Nominations for this year’s election open on July 4 and close on August 1.
The election is set for October 11.