Council turns down Chinese sister-city proposal

Gore Mayor Ben Bell
Gore Mayor Ben Bell
Gore District councillors have declined an invitation to explore forming a sister-city relationship with Chinese city Nanning.

However, councillors are willing for council chief executive Deborah Lascelles and district business owners to engage in discussions with representatives from Nanning to explore opportunities to work together.

A report prepared by Gore District Mayor Ben Bell discussing the invitation by Peng Jian, Director of Nanning Foreign Affairs Office, was tabled at the council meeting last night.

In the report, Mr Bell said establishing a sister-city relationship with Nanning would focus on cultural and economic exchanges.

Nanning had extended an invitation to the Gore District to send a delegation in late September to coincide with the China-Asean Expo from September 24 to 28.

The trip would be an opportunity to explore mutual interests and formalise the sister-city partnership.

The Chinese Consulate General would provide airfares for the trip and the city would cover the expenses of the delegation’s stay.

During the discussion of the report, Cr Andy Fraser said he could not support the sister-city proposal.

Cr Paul McPhail said he could not see any cost benefit to the proposed relationship, while Cr Glenys Dickson wondered how it would look if three delegates travelled to China after the recent rate increase.

Cr Stewart MacDonell said the proposal was a distraction from the council’s core business which was to look after its residents.

Mr Bell said it was important to explore trade opportunities.

"We need another big industry here in Gore if we want to continue to grow."

An industry like Mataura Valley Milk brought people to Gore to live and work.

"I think the benefits outweigh the risks here, of bringing over a big industry... that would provide new jobs for the district."

While there would be some cost to the ratepayers in several years’ time, this could be included in the long-term plan, Mr Bell said.

Crs Neville Phillips, Robert McKenzie, Keith Hovell and Mr Bell supported the proposal.