On a social media post a council spokesperson said it was the second time in the past two weeks cleaners had arrived to find the new facility’s walls plastered in sodden toilet paper mache and the sink stuffed with toilet paper.
They labelled the sight seen by cleaners when they arrived as a "disgusting mess".
"I hope next time you are in desperate need of a public toilet there isn’t a scrap of toilet paper to wipe your butt," it said on social media.
"To see the community's newest facilities treated like this by some brainless numpty (or numpties if plural is appropriate) is incredibly disappointing. Next time, show some damn respect."
Ultimately ratepayers would pay the additional costs involved in cleaning up the vandalised toilets, but the total cost of the damage still had to be tallied.

The council was unaware of any other public toilets being vandalised during the holiday period.
Waiau Aparima Ward district councillor Don Byars said he was unaware of the damage, but disappointed to hear about it.
"It’s not a good reflection on the quality of society in some ways. I wouldn’t like to see us lose our facility just because of a few bad eggs."
Some members of the public had spoken against the council’s post.
But Mr Byars said he understood the frustration the staff member was experiencing.
He expected the vandalism would be a discussion topic at the next community board meeting on February 11 and what, if any, measures would be implemented to manage the new site.
— Toni McDonald