Sometimes you have to like the product

Stew Burt, Director and co-owner of Destination Organic in Queenstown, reflects on his worst job....
Stew Burt, Director and co-owner of Destination Organic in Queenstown, reflects on his worst job. Photo by Henrietta Kjaer.
Stew Burt, director of the Queenstown grocery store Destination Organic, tells Henrietta Kjaer about his worst work experience and how it has affected his current job.

"Your bad experiences are what you learn from. And my time working for Pepsi was one of those learning experiences," Stew Burt says.

With a background in sales and marketing in the brewery industry, Mr Burt was in 1991 asked to take on a new job for his employer, Lion Nathan.

The liquor company had just bought the rights to Pepsi Cola in New Zealand, and wanted him to set up the South Island operations for the soft-drink company.

"I thought it would be a good stepping stone, so I told the boss I would give it two years, and then change back to the brewery side of things again," he said.

Being in charge of marketing and setting up the distribution network turned out to be a challenging task.

"We had to struggle against Coke's solid market share, while I was given very limited resources.

"I had no computers to work with, which was unusual even in 1991, and the sales team was given little old Mazda 323s to drive.

"It was definitely different from what I had become used to with the breweries."

Despite the practical challenges, he said the worst part of the job was the fact he was not a huge fan of the product.

"I have never really liked cola, even as a kid.

"I really have to believe in my work.

"If you do not love what you do, you just go to work every day, but lose your drive.

"When I agreed to stay in the job for a third year, I started resenting getting up in the morning to go to work.

"I guess I might have been able to think back with a more positive attitude, if I had left the job after two years as planned," he said.

Mr Burt eventually returned to the breweries, and later owned pubs in Wanaka.

While his former wife was terminally ill with cancer, he discovered organic products, and decided to put his experience to good use.

"There is a lesson to be learnt from any job, and though I might not have enjoyed my job for Pepsi, it taught me valuable business skills about perseverance and team management.

"But most of all I learnt the importance of believing in what you do."

He said Destination Organic is running well after three years, and even though he and partner Lyn Williamson had at times considered giving up on the shop, he was glad they stuck it out and stayed with a company they believe in.

And Mr Burt still appreciates a good beer.


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