You are not permitted to download, save or email this image. Visit image gallery to purchase the image. Slideshow Section 0 Comments Waves lapping at the front of the newly opened Wanaka Watersports building. The submerged Edgewater track. The iconic Wanaka Tree submerged in the lake. Rising lake levels have the residents of Wanaka and Queenstown on edge as flooding threatens the towns. Jill Gardiner shared some photos from Wanaka. Related Stories Street festival draws hundreds Fred the top dog at show for second year running National Athletics Champs SUBSCRIBER Finding a reader for every book Good sports Plenty of steam and air power on show A&P show ‘the Oscars’ for North Otago’s farming community Popularity of mini-triathlon draws 1000 to Logan Park Togas out in force for annual party Pitching ideas and tents Inter-hall competitions Totally focused More Add a Comment Login or register to post comments.