People: Tenth Steampunk NZ Festival

Gordon Cameron, also known as Dr Amorphous Blob, and Kathleen Stringer (Fanny Fartwhistle), both...
Gordon Cameron, also known as Dr Amorphous Blob, and Kathleen Stringer (Fanny Fartwhistle), both of Chertsey.
Jennie Farrar-De Wagt and Diane De Wagt, both of Springston.
Jennie Farrar-De Wagt and Diane De Wagt, both of Springston.
Quinn Stowers and his cousin Rosa Menzies (both 9), both of Christchurch.
Quinn Stowers and his cousin Rosa Menzies (both 9), both of Christchurch.
Stephanie Watkins, of Masterton, Dave Hamilton, of Tauranga, and Katey Reynish, of Carterton.
Stephanie Watkins, of Masterton, Dave Hamilton, of Tauranga, and Katey Reynish, of Carterton.
Susie, Chloe (10), Holly (8) and Gareth Corbett, of Auckland.
Susie, Chloe (10), Holly (8) and Gareth Corbett, of Auckland.
Roger Booth and Renate Jamieson, of Dawesville, Western Australia.
Roger Booth and Renate Jamieson, of Dawesville, Western Australia.

At the Tenth Steampunk NZ Festival, Oamaru, Saturday, June 1

Photos: Hamish MacLean

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