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Nicola Smith, Robyn Reidie, Dianne Logan and Jane Gorton, all of Invercargill.

Mark Reidie, Greg Smith and Geoff Gorton, all of Invercargill.

Sarah Cramond, Anisha Capstick, Felicity Manser and Sofia Tryfiatis, all of Arrowtown.

Angela Robertson, of Queenstown, Alesha Moon, of Glenorchy, and Janine Brian, of Queenstown.

(Front) Bobbie Mulgrew, of Glenorchy, Arthur Lee, of Queenstown, Andre Macaes, of Queenstown; (back) Gemma Mary Ross, of Arrowtown, and Stepan Skala, of Queenstown.

(Front) Lisandra Macaes Rossi, of Queenstown, Pete Davidoff, of Invercargill, Kaia Kohout, of Glenorchy; (back) Sian Taylor, of Arrowtown, and David Kohout, of Glenorchy.
At the Arrowtown Long Lunch, Buckingham St, Friday, December 7
Photo: Guy Williams