University of Otago Graduation

The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
Mayor of Dunedin Peter Chin, centre, with departing Chancellor Lindsay Brown in scarlet.
Mayor of Dunedin Peter Chin, centre, with departing Chancellor Lindsay Brown in scarlet.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
The graduands process up George Street to the ceremony.
Lindsay Brown's valedictory speech.
Lindsay Brown's valedictory speech.
Newly-appointed Chancellor John Ward caps his predecessor Lindsay Brown with an honorary Doctor...
Newly-appointed Chancellor John Ward caps his predecessor Lindsay Brown with an honorary Doctor of Laws degree.

More than 420 graduands, including retiring Chancellor Lindsay Brown, received degrees and diplomas at the Dunedin Town Hall on Wednesday. Photos by Linda Robertson; prints available from


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