People: Quiz night fundraiser for Rescue Helicopter

Cam Crawford, Lindsay Jenkins, Louise Jenkins, Andrea Elliott, Ted Ottrey and Andrew Elliott
Cam Crawford, Lindsay Jenkins, Louise Jenkins, Andrea Elliott, Ted Ottrey and Andrew Elliott
Greg Easton, Chris Ashton, Ria Vandervis
Greg Easton, Chris Ashton, Ria Vandervis
Dean McCrostie, Grant Driver, Dean Elder, Sheryl Driver, Jane Sweeney, Megan McCrostie
Dean McCrostie, Grant Driver, Dean Elder, Sheryl Driver, Jane Sweeney, Megan McCrostie
Tom Woldenden and Marco Vandervis
Tom Woldenden and Marco Vandervis

Images from the quiz night fundraiser for the Otago Regional Rescue Helicopter, held at Lone Star restaurant on Wednesday, July 13. Pictures by Craig Baxter; prints available from


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