The next generation of farmers will face the heat of challenging farming skills in a new contest at the South Island Agricultural Field Days.
The three-day event showcasing farming technology and innovation begins at Canterbury’s Kirwee today.
A new youth competition aims to encourage school leavers interested in farming to get an insight into agriculture’s career options.
"We have always let school groups attend for free with their teachers to encourage more kids to take an interest in agriculture," committee member Annabelle Adkins said in a statement. "But this year we are taking things up a notch by getting them interacting with various elements during field days."
The SIAFD "Ag Challenge" event will follow similar lines to the Young Farmers competition, with practical and theoretical challenges lined up for the field of 100 students.
"We have taken inspiration from what Young Farmers offer and this provides a great way to introduce a fun element and appeal to schools that may not normally have many students drawn to agriculture," she said.
Another event is the Secondary Schools Fencing competition. Teams of two competitors build a three-wire electric fence.
Children under 16 have free entry to the field days and an emphasis on family-focused entertainment has seen the Cowboy Challenge added to the programme.
Held for the first time, riders and their horses will be judged on performance and horsemanship, weaving through obstacles on a timed course.
Traditional attractions include more than 600 exhibitors providing the latest equipment and advice and the testing of agricultural machinery at the demonstration area.