Wintry blast on the way

Southerners should expect a wintry blast to hit this evening, bringing gale force winds and snow to 400m in some areas.

MetService said this morning strong, cold southwesterlies would spread across the lower South Island this evening, bringing wintry showers with hail.

Snow would lower to about 400 metres overnight.

The snow was likely to settle of some of the higher roads, including the Milford Road, the Lindis Pass, and the Crown Range Road.

Road snowfall warnings have been issued.

Winds are likely to reach gale force about higher ground and on the Southland and Otago coastline tonight and tomorrow.

The combination of wintry showers, low temperatures and gale force winds would put stress on stock.

Travellers and people venturing into the outdoors should be well prepared for the conditions, and should keep up to date with the latest forecasts.

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