Calls for the Otago Regional Council to take a more proactive approach to wilding pine control in the Wakatipu have dominated the local body's annual plan submissions.
The council received 108 submissions to its 2010-11 draft annual plan - about 48 of those were about the need to protect the Wakatipu landscape from wilding conifers and asked the regional council to support the control of the pest.
Many of those submissions were based on a form letter.
Other issues multiple ratepayers made submissions on included transport such as the need for more bus shelters and concerns from operators about a possible increase in GST.
About 10 submissions had been made on issues relating to flooding, especially on the lower Taieri, and supporting a review of the rating classifications on the Taieri Plain.
Some organisations were asking for financial support including Orokonui Ecosanctuary for biodiversity protection, tracks and structural development ($64,000) and the Taieri Mouth Amenities Society for a boat ramp.
Council associate director, strategic communication, Peter Taylor said 35 submitters would present their submissions to a hearings panel on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The hearings will be held on Tuesday in Cromwell, and on Wednesday at the regional council's headquarters in Dunedin.