Alleged car thief's joyride comes to quick end

The stolen car, resting in the garden of the Cancer Society offices after a short-lived joyride...
The stolen car, resting in the garden of the Cancer Society offices after a short-lived joyride yesterday. No structural damage or injuries were reported but broken glass was strewn across High Street. Photo: Greymouth Star
A brazen and short-lived car theft resulted in the very public arrest of an 18-year-old man on the State Highway in Greymouth yesterday afternoon.

The alleged culprit broke into a small car in High Street -- using a cellphone to film his attempts to hotwire the ignition and then posting the footage on social media -- before commandeering the hatchback and heading south -- literally and figuratively.

Senior sergeant Nathan Snell said the stolen vehicle was almost immediately involved in a minor nose-to tail crash with another vehicle before proceeding further along High Street and careening into Raleigh Street, where it landed in the garden outside the Cancer Society.

The driver attempted to decamp on foot but was pinned on the ground by several members of the public until police arrived.

He was allegedly found in possession of a number of tools for car thefts.

The incident occurred not long after schools were let out and was witnessed by many members of the public, as a large number of police swarmed the area.

The driver was arrested and charged with unlawfully taking a motor vehicle and was released on bail.

"Further charges are being considered."

Adding to the High Street mayhem, a minor disruption occurred almost simultaneously to the crash, and straight across the road, where a person who was subject to a trespass order at the Westland Recreation Centre refused to leave and police intervened.

 - Meg Fulford