Most rivers are at a good fishing level and the weather looks fine.
The Taieri looks good throughout its length and so does the Mataura.
The Pomahaka looks good as far as the level is concerned.
However, twice recently it has been low and very dirty when I have seen it, which is a shame as this is the best time of year to fish it.
With a few warm days, the appearance of cicadas should not be too far away. Even if the cicadas have not started, the tussock lakes are well worth fishing at this time of year.
There are plenty of beetles, both brown and green, to bring trout to the surface, as well as damselflies.
Beneath the surface there are midge, water boatmen and damselfly nymphs for trout to feed on, so it pays to carry suitable imitations for them.
On the rivers, trout are rising to willow grub and beetles as well as sedges. The latter are usually about in the evening as the light starts to fade but are sometimes around on dull days. So if you see a splashy rise, try an adult sedge or a sedge pupa.
On the subject of dull days, I fished the Taieri near Middlemarch during the week. The day started overcast and cool, becoming cold and wet as the day progressed.
The grass on the riverbank was high and wet from earlier rain and I was soaked to the waist even before getting into the water.
I tried a favourite ripple with a nymph to no avail, but I saw a fish rise at the tail of the flat above.
It was moving about a lot but eventually I got the fly in front of it and it obliged. There were very few rises but I spotted one fish with just its tail sticking out below an overhanging branch.
I decided to risk losing my fly by having a go at it. Eventually I got the fly close enough for it to be seen. It grabbed it and was soon in the net.
I saw a large eel swimming downstream as I walked up, and suspected I might attract it when wading and stirring up the riverbed.
I hooked and landed a fish and was aware that an eel may try to take it. I had put the trout back when the eel appeared and it swam around close to me for a few seconds then made off.
As I headed back to the car at the end of the day, I had to pass a spot where I caught a fish last time I was there.
I started to fish the nymph in the foam line, when I saw a swirl, and then another.
I dropped the nymph close to the spot and was rewarded with the best fish of the day.