Work on facility starting next week

These cut trees on the Roys Bay foreshore identify the location where the construction of the...
These cut trees on the Roys Bay foreshore identify the location where the construction of the Wanaka Watersports Facility is set to begin next week. PHOTO: SEAN NUGENT
The  six-year process to establish the Wanaka Watersports Facility is about to enter its final stage.

Construction of the $1.6million, 420sqm building on the Roys Bay foreshore is set to begin next week.

The facility finally gained Environment Court approval in June 2017 after a week-long appeal hearing.

Wanaka Watersports Facility Trust chairman Michael Sidey said this week he was "very excited and relieved'' the saga was nearly at an end.

"I've never been involved in a project like this where there's so many hoops to go through and so many opinions for and against.

"I've been involved six years and my expectation at the start was two.''

But he believed all the issues raised over the years had now been put to bed.

"I think the whole community is on board now, which we're very thrilled about.''

The build was expected to take seven to eight months, with a "grand opening'' in November.

The only uncertainty was the roots of nearby redwood trees, which would need to be identified and protected before the foundations could be laid.

"That's just a matter of putting a cover around them and let it keep on growing. There'll be a arborist on site all the time to make sure we don't miss any,'' Mr Sidey said.

Three groups: the Wanaka Rowing Club, Wanaka Lakes Swimmers Club and TriWanaka, are lined up to use the facility.

Their total membership was about 240, Mr Sidey said.


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