Water sports facility site not settled

A "minor resiting'' of the proposed Wanaka Watersports Facility does not appear to be favoured by anyone involved in the debate over where it should be built.

The facility, on the Lake Wanaka foreshore near Stoney Creek, would be used by rowers, lake swimmers and kayakers.

At a resource consent hearing at the end of March, it drew opposition from members of the public concerned about its effect on the view and on trees on the lakeshore.

The lawyer acting for the trust proposing the building, Graeme Todd, suggested a site a few metres south could be considered as an alternative, to reduce the number of trees that would need to be cut down.

Six weeks after the hearing finished, commissioners Robert Charles Nixon (chairman) and David Clarke asked for more information about the effects of the building on the alternative site.

Submissions from objectors showed the resiting made little difference to their views and Queenstown Lakes District Council planner Sarah Picard was also unmoved, remaining in opposition.

Now, the planner for the trust, Duncan White, has concluded the trust, too, would prefer the original site.

"It is the trust's preference that the original, as notified, position and design of the building be approved.''

Mr White responded to various points raised by objectors and Ms Picard, including suggestions about the possible effect on two large sequoia trees.


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