Surf wave pool draws attention

The Hāwea Flat developer of a world-first backyard surf wave pool has been swamped with interest from around New Zealand and overseas.

YourWave entrepreneur Ross McCarthy (39) revealed his new invention to the world last week in the Otago Daily Times and plans remain on track to have the pool open in two weeks.

"We are getting a few hits from it," Mr McCarthy said.

"We still have to get it up and running operationally and commercially. WorkSafe are on track to get it signed off."

Mr McCarthy said the biggest thing for him was realising the northern hemisphere reach of the ODT, after ex-Kiwis living in the United Kingdom, Australia and North America got in touch.

"It has been really cool," Mr McCarthy said.

Entrepreneur Ross McCarthy in his Hāwea Flat garden with his surf wave pool. Photo: Marjorie Cook
Entrepreneur Ross McCarthy in his Hāwea Flat garden with his surf wave pool. Photo: Marjorie Cook
At the push of a button, the YourWave surf pool allows people to surf any wave they like from the comfort of a large, inflatable pool.

Mr McCarthy dreamed up the concept nearly 15 years ago and built a prototype in Dunedin, after graduating from Otago Polytechnic with a master’s degree in product design.

Hāwea Flat surfers Katie Tsuyuki, Jamie Thompson and Phil Jones were excited about the guaranteed waves, reduction in travel costs to the ocean and watching their friends.

The surfers said other artificial surf waves had one standard wave that could not be changed.

YourWave could be adjusted for anyone and beginners did not have to worry about reading the ocean, or whether they would be bitten by seals and sharks, Ms Tsuyuki said.

Mr McCarthy grew up at Hāwea Flat and went to school in the district. He, his wife Sarah and their 3-year-old, Olivia, returned to the district about 18 months ago.