Plans for pontoon jetty

Image by QLDC.
Image by QLDC.

An artist's impression of what the new pontoon jetty for Lake Wanaka could look like.

The Queenstown Lakes District Council has applied for resource consent to install the jetty west of the boat ramp at the Wanaka Marina in Roys Bay.

The jetty consists of a 20m floating pontoon, lying parallel to the shore, connected to the shore by a two-piece 30.8m by 1.5m gangway.

The floating pontoon and gangway would be anchored by six piles driven into the lake bed.

The jetty has been designed to operate safely at minimum and maximum recorded lake levels.

In his landscape and visual effects assessment, Paul Smith, of Vivian and Espie, said the jetty would "essentially appear as a small addition of built form and appear in character with the overall development of the Wanaka Marina.''

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