For the first time in the 80-year history of the Wanaka A&P Show, dogs will not be allowed into the show grounds.
Due to the increasing number of complaints at previous shows, organisers have taken the step of banning dogs from entering the show grounds because of health and safety concerns.
Guide dogs and dogs competing in the show - such as those competing in the Jack Russell Race - will still be allowed inside the show grounds.
Event manager Jane Stalker said there had been a number of complaints from people concerned about the increasing number of dogs at previous shows.
''It's unfortunate, because we are all animal lovers here, but with the number of people attending the show and the number of dogs being brought also increasing we needed to make sure it's a safe environment for everyone.''
One or two dog owners had contacted the show's organisers not happy with the ban but feedback about the decision had been mostly positive, she said.
Issues included people tripping over dog leads, dog waste left on the ground and concerns for small children.