Last of trio sentenced for fun park assault

Jayden Scoullar
Jayden Scoullar
The final member of a trio involved in a pack attack at a tourist hotspot would have been in jail had it not been for his girlfriend, a court has heard.

Jayden Paul Scoullar (22) appeared in the Dunedin District Court yesterday after pleading guilty to assault with intent to injure.

The incident took place at family fun park Puzzling World in Wanaka on January 20.

Judge Kevin Phillips sentenced him to three months' home detention, 150 hours' community work and ordered him to pay the victim $500.

''You are lucky you had this girl with you and she was strong enough to pull you out of the c*** you wanted to put your head right in, putting it crudely,'' the judge said.

A group of five - including Scoullar and his friends Sheridan Christopher Raynor Foot (19) and Taylor William Meikle (19) - had driven to Central Otago to attend a car show and stopped at the popular destination on the Luggate Highway.

The group had been drinking and were ''actively looking for trouble,'' police said.

''You and your mates were on a booze cruise really,'' the judge said.

Meikle, holding a beer bottle, confronted an Indian man and his daughter.

''You should go back to your own **** country,'' he said. ''It's my country and not yours''.

Scoullar told Probation, in an interview before sentencing, that he was embarrassed by the remarks of his mate.

But Judge Phillips said his actions contradicted that claim.

An Australian tourist, standing in Puzzling World's foyer, stepped in.

''When someone remonstrated with you about what was happening, all of a sudden all hell breaks loose,'' the judge said.

One of the defendants threw a beer bottle at the victim, which he ducked to avoid.

But that was followed up with a barrage of punches and kicks.

The victim curled up on the ground with his arms covering his head while his wife and children witnessed the frenzy.

Scoullar was eventually pulled out of the fray by his girlfriend.

But the attack continued after a brief lull.

One of the defendants ran up to the man from behind and wrestled him to the ground again, putting him in a headlock.

The victim's wife was dragged back by Meikle when she tried to intervene.

Eventually the group fled the scene in a ute, leaving the Australian man with bruising to his chest and upper body, grazing to his elbows and knees and a sore neck.

Judge Phillips said the incident was particularly distasteful because of its location.

Wanaka, he said, was important to the country's overall tourist industry and Puzzling World was a ''vital part'' of its allure to overseas visitors.

Foote was sentenced to six months' home detention and 150 hours' community work, while Meikle received eight months' home detention, 200 hours' community work and was ordered to pay the victim $350.