Last-minute preparations before thousands attend show

Wanaka A&P Show volunteers take a break before entries start arriving for the Home Industry competition. Photos: Kerrie Waterworth
Wanaka A&P Show volunteers take a break before entries start arriving for the Home Industry competition. Photos: Kerrie Waterworth
A&P event show organiser Jane Stalker (left) and volunteers gather outside the A&P Association office to attend to last-minute details.
A&P event show organiser Jane Stalker (left) and volunteers gather outside the A&P Association office to attend to last-minute details.
Wanaka's Maude winemaker Dan Dineen drops off wine barrels for the showjumping.
Wanaka's Maude winemaker Dan Dineen drops off wine barrels for the showjumping.
Some of the hundreds of plastic chairs being delivered for the show.
Some of the hundreds of plastic chairs being delivered for the show.
Hirepool's Red Stevenson delivers toilets in McDougall St ahead of the show opening tomorrow.
Hirepool's Red Stevenson delivers toilets in McDougall St ahead of the show opening tomorrow.

Wanaka's Pembroke Park is starting to look like a sea of tents, tractors are holding up traffic in McDougall St, and more and more Portaloos are arriving as preparations for the 81st Wanaka A&P Show get into full swing before the show starts tomorrow.

More than 450 trade exhibitors have booked a space in the A&P Showgrounds and Pembroke Park and more than 40,000 people are expected to visit the show over the two days.

Wanaka show event organiser Jane Stalker said the planning for this year's show started the Monday after the 2017 show ended and so far everything was going ''great''.

New competition classes in most livestock sections had been introduced this year and online ticketing for show admission was being offered for the first time.

The show officially starts at 8.30am tomorrow with an equestrian jumping competition in the main ring.


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